Pictures & Movies of various Experiments

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Diffused white light from florescent ring around outer circumference of 100x12mm cell. Edge lit magnetic dipole of cube magnet. Dark circles are the poles. Separation through the center is the null region.

Diffused white light from florescent ring around outer circumference of 100x12mm cell. Edge lighting of cube magnet pole (dark area).

The very first Ferrocell experiment, October 30, 2005

"Sunlight reaction"

Movie of the scattered image slowly forming on the
target at the north edge of a large inductor using
600 Watts DC and a green laser

"Duodecumus" 12 magnet images by Michael Snyder.
Image on left is simulated with Pic2Mag software while image on right is actual using 36 RGB LEDs in an edge-lit ring around a Ferrocell

Watch it here: Extracting colors

or Watch on YouTube
Extracting colors from a RGB white LED using the polarization of a magnetic field. The YouTube video takes you off-site.

Multiple magnets arranged in a matrix under
100mm 509 cell

100mm Water-based Ferrotec Ferrofluid Cell.
Early experiments in 2018

Dielectric Inertia Plane Image by Lori-Ann Gardi

100mm cell with her own mixture. Ring of 36 White LEDs around circumference.

Multiple Like Poles

100x12mm 509 cell
Image by Michael Snyder

1/2" cube on 100x12mm 509 cell with 36 LED RGB ring.
Poles facing up and down (from the top).
Image by Michael Dee using a Nikon d850 camera with a voightlander 58mm lens.

Here's a non-Ferrocell using nano-nickel fluid (my own mix).

It's a 62x4mm cell with RGW LED's below and around the outer edge. There is some response visible in the Bloch region.

Poles are facing left and right (from the top).


'Magnetic Nanoparticle Galaxy'
Single white LED centered, below 62mm cell.  
Sphere magnet on top of cell.
Poles top and bottom facing camera.

Vortex Spins
Multiple disk magnets hand-rotated
produce flowing geometry.
100mm Ferrocell Animated Loop by Jayson M.

Multiple magnets under black paper behind
100x12mm '509' cell.
Edge-lit 36 RGB LED's in ring.
'Procella' image by Michael Snyder

Four magnets fitted into a round aluminum
plate below 100x8mm '509' cell. Poles facing up,
all in repulsion (same).
There are a few extra holes in the bottom plate.
Bottom-lit with 36 RGW LED's in ring.

Solenoid with DC current @ 1A
62mm '509' cell with 36 RGW LED's below
and around circumference.

Two small bar magnets with poles facing
up and down (Blue Areas).
Single White LED below very dusty 62mm
'509' cell. Click on the pix for close up.
The dust is amazing!
Of course the blue 'haze' emerging from the poles is
something to contemplate, too.

5-magnet Halbach Array on top of 100x12mm
'509' cell. Side of array facing down.
Bottom lit with ring of 36 RGW LED's

5-Magnet Halbach Array.
Side of array below 100x12mm '509' cell.
Edge lit with ring of 36 RGW LED's

Polar vortex clearly seen here over top of 5-magnet
Halbach Array under 100x12mm '509' cell.
Edge lit with ring of 36 RGW LED's

2 small, thin rectangle magnets on top of 100x8mm
'509' cell. Magnetic poles at each end of magnets.
Edge lit with ring of 36 White LED's

3 small cube magnets on top of 62mm cell
Bottom lit with ring of 36 RGBW LED's

1.2 Tesla cube magnet under 62mm cell
plastic ring inside to block direct light from
bottom lit ring of 36 RGBW LED's


Dipole magnet behind 100x12mm cell.
Edge lit with 36 LEDs around circumference.
Blue filtered in Photoshop
Bright spot on right side is debris inside cell.

Photo by M. Snyder

Dipole magnet behind 100x12mm cell.
Edge lit with 36 RGBY LEDs.
Looking across top surface of glass at a 30 degree angle.

1400X microscope image of particle chains forming.
Note helical interwoven structures.
Green filter used in Photoshop for added contrast.
Inside 50x2mm cell dark field image by John (Jack) Shearer


North pole of cylinder magnet behind mirror under
100x12mm cell. Single white light top lit cell at 45 degree
angle. 'Eye of Ellipses' Photo by M. Snyder

Quadrupole (all same polarity) close up view into
center of an edge lit 100x12mm mm cell with

around circumference. Photo by M. Snyder

Rear lit 50mm cell with multi-colored lights
arranged in a conical manner.
Photo by G. Daigle

This movie shows a cube magnet on top of 62mm
cell. Red 5mW top lit laser moving around circumference
of field. Note red 'wings' diverging from laser Z-axis.

if you can't play this on your computer, click here to watch on Youtube

360 degree rotation of green laser using
quadrupole electromagnetic field.

White and green LED's rear lit 50mm cell.
100X view shows interwoven particle chains.
Image by John (Jack) Shearer

Cylinder magnet covered with black shrink tubing
on top of 50mm cell. Rear lit with small white
incandescent lamp. Great image of field potential at pole.

Dipole magnet behind black paper on rear of
100mm cell. Edge lit with 36 RGBY LEDs around
circumference. Photo by M. Snyder

30X view into 50mm rear white-lit cell.
Magnetic chip 'debris' trapped inside.
This cell was discarded.

Cylinder magnet on top of 50mm rear lit cell using a
small incandescent lamp. Note indent right, center
and bulge left center.

In this movie, I'm holding one cylinder magnet behind
200mm cell and another magnet in front.
Rear lit at 45 degree angle using bright white
Halogen lamp.

If movie does not play on your computer click

Looking into the center of a ring magnet behind
100mm  cell. Edge lit with 36 RGBY LEDs around
circumference. Photo by M. Snyder

Quadrupole anti-vortex image selected and
published by APS (American Physical Society)
for their 2012 calendar. 100mm edge lit
RGBY cell by M. Snyder

Broken ring magnet behind black paper, rear of
100mm cell.  Edge lit with 36 RGBY LEDs around
circumference. Photo by M. Snyder

Looking at the pole of a cylinder magnet behind
black paper, rear of 100x12mm cell. Edge lit with
36 RGBY LEDs. Photo by M. Snyder

300X movie shows inside 50mm cell. Top lit with white
LED. Magnetic chip 'debris' trapped between the glass.
Note particle chains attracted to top and bottom of chip.

Cylinder magnet on top of 50x2mm cell using glass
with 1/10 wavelength surface accuracy. This cell
appears totally transparent, except where the rear lit
white light becomes scattered by the nanoparticles.

Antivortex quadrupole field with magnets positioned
under black paper behind 100x12mm cell.
Edge lit 36 RGBY LED's around cell circumference.
Photo by M. Snyder.

MDU with green LED module.

MDU with red LED module.

Cylinder magnet coated with black shrink tubing to
reduce reflections. Magnet is resting on my finger
behind cell. Top, rear lighting with incandescent lamp.

Diffused front-lit using four magnets (inline) behind Ferrocell 
 a video by Michael Snyder:

200X image of a magnetic pole with
chains forming. Photo by John (Jack) Shearer.

Spectacular detail when zoomed-in

62mm demonstration unit held between
poles in an MRI chamber.

Photo by mriguy

Movie: 30X view into cell while influenced by a magnetic field.

If movie does not play on your computer click



